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Each season brings lessons and as time now cycles past the energy of summer into autumn, we are called to reflect on how we might find empowerment and meaning in the new season.


Align with autumn and move with ease through darker days...


Have you ever noticed your emotions changing to darker spaces with the onset of darker days? One might say that’s nature at work.

While autumn can mark the onset of depression and sadness for some, it can also be a primary season for restoration for those who are willing to learn how to “go with the flow” of the changing seasons.

If we allow ourselves to synchronize spiritually with autumn, we can then create space to feel more in tune with our body, mind and spirit and perhaps move more easily through the cycle.


Here you will learn how to use autumn’s element of metal and key themes to help guide you through the coming months.

You will also learn how you might use meaningful teachings of the season to make mindful connections in body, mind and spirit and create more empowerment in your life.


Key element of autumn:

Metal (reflective)

Metal is not only reflective but represents courage, strength and endurance making autumn a great time to slow down for reflection and do strengthening exercises to endure the upcoming winter.

Ask yourself where you need more courage right now in your life...


Key themes of autumn:

  • finding balance,

  • taking stock,

  • gathering in,

  • preparing resources,

  • gratitude,

  • fruition,

  • completion,

  • contentment,

  • fulfillment

Autumn is a good time to find more balance in your life. Nights are getting darker longer and it calls for a general slowing down at night. You will also benefit by slowing down your exercise routine. Just as the trees let go of their leaves, you might also reflect on letting go of what no longer serves you.





  • Focus on Root Chakra (being grounded)

  • practice yoga poses like Mountain (feet firmly planted in the ground) and sitting poses/stretches.

  • Focus on exercise that is strengthening and enduring yet restorative. The idea is to prepare for winter (when things really slow down). Restore the energy you built in the vigor of summer, slow down and conserve your energy in a more balanced way. This means focusing on muscle strength but in a way that you can endure. Do exercises like:

  • Plank (endure for 10 deep breaths)

  • Balancing poses (Eagle, Tree, Warrior III)

  • Eat more root vegetables



  • Focus on finding balance, taking stock, gathering in, preparing resources, gratitude, fruition, completion, contentment, fulfillment.

  • Ask yourself what you need to prepare or complete today so you can keep a slow pace during the winter months.

  • What makes you feel content and fulfilled? How can you get more of that during these next months?

  • Who and what are you grateful for?



  • Focus on remaining balanced and grounded

  • Create more time for meditation. Perhaps you swap out some exercise time for meditation time to honor darker evenings.

  • Focus on relaxation or restoration in the evening hours.

  • Stop scheduling stuff every night!

  • Focus on your root chakra (Chakra #1).

  • Celebrate abundance.

  • Enjoy pleasure in your relationships.

  • Focus on your sacral chakra (Chakra #2).

  • Focus on letting go of things and people that no longer serve you.

If you need help discovering how to let go of things and people that no longer serve you, contact me. I offer low-cost hourly sessions that will deliver new perspective and self-discovery.

Rene Nitz

Trained Professional Self-Empowerment Coach

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