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What is your word for January?

What is your word for January? Mine is S-L-O-W. The nights are still long and although the Roman Calendar begins a new year, winter begs us to continue hibernating and slowing down. It's the season of restoration and saving energy... not burning energy. Resting. Not running. Walking. Slowly. Unplugging. Enjoying darkness. Enjoying silence. Consciously moving slow. Settling into silence. Settling into darkness. Settling into our thoughts. Allowing new ideas to surface but not acting on them yet. Or, acting SLOWLY on them. Giving ideas time for gestation. Like seeds. Creating space for new ideas, new life. Conscious that we don't need to move on them just yet. That part comes closer to spring. Still giving ourselves permission to rest and relax. Resisting the temptation to set new year's goals and resolutions. Saying no to that type of pressure. Because now is not the time to come running out of the gate. Understanding that goal-setting is an external activity, but now is the time for internal reflection and less activity. Slow.

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