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Shadow Work and Speaking Your Truth

Healing takes place when we can discover how our childhood wounds play out in our everyday lives and relationships.

Part of speaking our truth might involve allowing these childhood wounds some space to surface so we can listen to what they might be wanting us to hear.

When we validate the wound as something within us that is there to protect us in some way or when we envision the wound as our small child self still needing some attention and so it acts out until it's heard, we can then begin the healing process.

Giving credence to the wound, realizing that it really is a part of you, and acknowledging it for what it is (hurt) can bring us to a better place of understanding of how to release the pain which was never resolved.

Sometimes our wounds protect us and alert us when we need to be paying attention to some dynamics in our lives and are alerting us it's time to speak our truth.

And we can learn how to do that without anger once we come to understand what the wound's voice is telling us.

Telling that small child within, "yes, tell me what you need me to hear" and nurturing that child and integrating that message into your adult self in a loving and caring way helps us release the pain and helps us have a new perspective of those triggers the wound was creating for our attention.

It is then that we can start seeing and recognizing others' wounds. We can see the other as having pain and understand that they might not see their own wounds yet or they don't know how to deal with their own wounds yet.

It is then we can have more compassion for the other.

It is then we can speak our truth in a healthy way.

It is then we are more open to understand the other.

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