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Listening to Winter Solstice

We’re coming up on a time of great creativity.

As you approach winter, what else do you need to let go of to move into winter with a clean slate?

We want to move into winter prepared.

Prepared to create a vision and plant seeds.

We start movement into the darkness.

But we are not afraid.

Because we know it’s the ending and the beginning.

We come full circle.

Releasing any lingering energy.

Like the last leaves falling from the tree.

You walk into winter bare.

An open slate.

And you honor the season by becoming more still.

So you can listen.

And grieve.

And say goodbye to what no longer serves you.

And sit in the fear because that is where the message lies.

And you listen.

You have your sacred space where you can rest.

Like nesting in the mother’s womb.

And you honor that space with your honesty.

And you will receive the same in return.

You listen with your body.

You listen with your heart.

You listen with your breath and to your breath.

You listen with your mind.

You listen with balanced acquiesce.

You allow space for the answers to come.

And then. They do.

And this. This is self-care.

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