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Otherworld Wisdom

When we, as women, go through deep transformation and accumulate more wisdom through having gone through the depths of pain, grief and despair, we appear on the other side of the portal with gifts to share.

These gifts may have been filtered and subsequently alchemized through a personal, inner journey. It often starts with a descent into the Underworld (the world of psychic exploration) then moving into cosmic transcendence to the Otherworld (the world where the unconscious becomes conscious).

We come to understand that through this alchemy, there is purpose in translating the Otherworld Wisdom into the Wisdom of this World (our daily reality).

These gifts might have alchemized through the higher chakras (heart, throat, third eye, crown) but to bring them back into where they are needed - the real earth - this world - the gifts need to be further grounded, rooted and earthy. This is done through embodiment (within our daily practice maybe through movement, exercise, writing) and then sharing with the collective.

When we, as women, go through deep transformation we are then able to put language to the wisdom of the invisible. It becomes the wisdom of this World and the Otherworld combined.

(Excerpt from journal 11/23/21)

💛 Rene


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