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Reclaim Your Power!

How many of you are saying to yourself something like, “I can’t handle the world right now” or “I can’t handle the people out there.” You’re not alone! There’s so much happening so fast right now and people are being pushed into their worst selves. Social media, news, politics - just wants to make you scream, right? I get it.

Part of the mindset we find ourselves in is the world “out there” or the people “out there.” We don’t know who to trust, we don’t know where to turn and life feels formidable.

It’s easier to say, “I’m going to stay in, stream some shows, eat some bon-bons and hope tomorrow is better.” And on it goes. We numb ourselves into oblivion because it’s easier than suiting up.

Spaces of lethargy are common right now. Underneath lethargy is fear - it’s fear we are avoiding and fear is what’s running the show. Sometimes we kind of know there’s a fear there, but we can’t name it. That’s ok…just knowing this stuff is enough for now.

To live our best lives, we must consistently bail ourselves out of this lethargic space but how do we do that?

For starters, it’s useful to stop thinking in terms of the world “out there” and the nasty people “out there.” That “out there” concept is a mental construct that keeps us imprisoned in something imaginary.

Instead, start where you are. You are here. You might be scrolling but something inside you made you stop here to read this.

⚡️ It’s time to Reclaim Your Power! ⚡️

🌟 I invite you to start where you are.

If you are feeling lethargic, the best way to reclaim your own power is to appreciate your own movement. Movement is energy. The energy of summer sun beckons us to move. You don’t have to move mountains and there are no miracles required. You just need to move even if it’s taking extra steps around the house. Do something fun that you haven’t done in a while (when’s the last time you danced? When’s the last time you roller skated - it’s a thing again!)

🌟 I invite you to show up in your own life.

I invite you to understand that you do not control world events, nor can you. World events rise out of a collective conscious of which we are a very small part.

What is your part? You may not be able to control world events or the nastiness of the collective, but you can control how you spend your time and who you spend it with. You have a lot to offer to the people in your own life and the people in your own community.

🌟I invite you to consider that you have gifts to offer.

Doing our part means sharing our gifts. Our gifts are our power. So figure out those gifts and allow yourself permission to step into your own power by sharing your gifts! We need your gifts more than ever.

🌟I invite you to ditch news.

It’s negative, it’s divisive. So many people use the excuse that they need to stay informed (again, fear is the underlying theme here). You don’t need the news to tell you what to think or what values are “best.” You already know that within. You can look up anything that you believe to be relevant to your life if that arises for you. You will lose pounds of anger in the process. Bonus: It will become interesting and fun when you start noticing people just repeating what they hear on the news. It’s easy to spot after a while.

Looking for the love of Follow, Like, Share! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Integrative Empowerment

@empowered_4u 💫


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