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Stepping Through Fear

Oftentimes, we allow fear to call the shots in our lives. We choose the “safe” road, the path of least resistance, whenever stepping into a larger and more purposeful life feels intimidating. We play small by not extending ourselves beyond our comfort zones, we choose security, we choose fitting in. We choose to stay in the job we don’t really enjoy, we choose to stay with the partner, we avoid the difficult conversations all because it’s just easier. Underneath these choices is fear. And when we allow fear to make our decisions for us, we can become enslaved to fear - living a much smaller life than we otherwise might.

To live our best lives means living a life in service to our soul and to our purpose. We have a calling within us towards “something” else that we often can’t name, something more reverent than grandiosity or more potent than our daily ego trips.

To enliven that inner calling, it becomes necessary to walk *through* fear instead of side-stepping it. There is no magic, no set of ten steps to melt the impediments, no pill to make it all possible. We need to risk feeling uncomfortable, risk feeling insecure and it’s possible we will not fit into the expectations of others. It can be a lonely road at times. Until one day we realize we are on the other side of it - much less fearful, less needy and definitely more confident. As you move through fear, you realize there is “something” larger at work that supports, approves and carries you into your soul’s beckoning.

🌟 I invite you to ask yourself:

Where am I still playing small in my life and why?

What gifts do I have but am afraid to show others?

What difficult conversation have I been avoiding?

What is one fear I can confront right now?

Be sure to save this and follow me for more.

💛 Rene

Integrative Empowerment



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