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To Speak or Not to Speak

We live in a time of watering down our truth to please others. It’s true we do need to navigate through our daily ego space in an attempt to function effectively, but many of us have lost our voices and lost an aspect of our ability to be authentic.

This is a collective experience among women where we are afraid to say what’s really inside. For millennia we have been constricted by messages that have us sacrificing our own truth and honesty with the placebo effect of nice, kind, demure, pure.

There are many reasons for not speaking our truth. We might be afraid of not appearing kind, we might be afraid of what others might think of us, we might be afraid of looking too this or that, we might be afraid of not fitting in, we might be afraid of our own anger.

There’s a reason we “blow up.” And it’s not because we are mentally ill. It is because we are human and the human psyche and spirit will be expressed one way or the other. If our inner truth gets repressed and/or oppressed, it blows!

When our true inner selves are not or cannot be expressed, that becomes a personal and collective problem for us, as we are witnessing. It appears as:

♀︎ Resentment

♀︎ Anger

♀︎ Depression

♀︎ Lethargy

♀︎ Boredom

♀︎ Feeling small, inferior and powerless

♀︎ Meming ourselves to death with positive messages

We are being called to create a new world vision. The work is to learn how to speak our truth from a place of authenticity, integrity and wisdom. That takes conscious practice. We start where we are.

🌟 I invite you to reflect on why you might struggle to speak your truth. What is the fear? Maybe you don’t feel you deserve to be heard. Maybe you feel you are not worthy of being heard. Maybe you feel you will be talked about in a negative way.

🌟 I invite you to reflect on your inner truths. What is inside you wanting to be expressed? What makes you angry? What makes you sad? What crazy shit brings you joy? What do you want to create? What is special about you?

Be sure to save this and follow me for more.




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