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New Moon in Gemini

Each new moon cycle is an opportunity to start something new, refresh what’s already there and set new intentions. It’s the beginning of a new cycle.

And to give our intentions even more power, we can be aware of the season and align ourselves with the wisdom of that energy.

This new moon cycle is the last of Spring. We are in an intense time on many levels. The sun (energetically male) is coming into full power to equally meet the moon (energetically feminine) at Summer Solstice. It’s a good time to honor the sun and all things male.

The sun’s potent energy causes plants to burst open and spread their seeds into Mother Earth (who in turn incubates). The pace is picking up and we turn to expend the energy in frolic and fun (think orgasm and spreading seeds!) The sun makes us feel alive, mischievous and even a little bit hedonistic. Things are in full bloom. We actively work on the seeds we planted in Spring.

Alignment here shows up energetically outward: doing, planning, organizing, giving, achieving, engaging others, more socializing, more physical activity, taking control of finances, actively working on goals.

Spreading your seeds can look like speaking your truth. Sometimes that takes courage, but freeing our voice and speaking our truth from a place of wisdom and integrity is personal power.

How might you honor your own male energy? What needs planning? What needs doing? What makes you feel alive? Are you making time for that? Is there space for more fun in your life? What fun thing would you like to do in the coming week? What truths have you been hiding or afraid to speak out about?

Spread your seeds…free your voice, speak your truth, reclaim your power!

Rene, @empowered_4u


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