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What do you want to Illuminate to Others?

We all embody both feminine and masculine energy and we can use the wisdom of nature to honor each. Now is a time of sun, of rising masculine energy, of looking outside ourselves. We honor our masculine energy by doing, planning, strengthening and freeing our voice.

Freeing our voice can take many forms. It might mean speaking your truth even when you’re angry. It might mean expressing yourself in song or dance. It might mean admitting something you’ve been in denial about. It might mean waking up and stepping out of lethargy. It might mean finding and sharing your gifts.

🌟 I invite you at this time to reflect on your gifts.

What within you has been hiding in the dark? Now is the time to illuminate what’s in the dark to bring it out into the light. Step out into the light of your authentic you, your best you. Actively plan how you will take that first step.

🌟 I invite you to reflect on your strongest parts.

What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? What have others said you are good at? How might you bring those gifts to the world?

I invite you to give energy and strength to your gifts, nourish your soul and step back into your life!

These posts will educate and guide you to be in alignment with moon cycles and seasons so that you might find more harmony and balance in your daily life.

Be sure to save this and follow me for more.



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